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UCL Centre for Nerve Engineering


About us

The UCL Centre for Nerve Engineering was launched in May 2017 with a vision to create a multidisciplinary, inter-faculty research centre that translates diverse and complementary research in the physical and life sciences at UCL to clinical nerve repair. There is an outstanding requirement for both improved understanding of nerve repair processes, and alternative repair solutions to those currently used as standard in the clinic. Our aim is to address this, by bringing together scientific and engineering expertise from a broad range of disciplines and collaborating directly with nerve repair clinicians involved in nervous system repair.

The approach is best explained by clinicians Mr David Choi (Institute of Neurology) and Mr Tom Quick (Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital) in the videos below.

Our research aligns closely with the UCL Institute of Healthcare Engineering, and we are also very grateful for support from UCL Engineering, UCL Life Sciences and the UCL Medical Sciences.

Mr Tom Quick, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital:

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